Beloved, It is the endtime, let us quickly examine this truth:
Have you ever lost something, for example your phone…
You knew you had it just a few minutes ago using or just in your hand (lets use the situation of being at home) yes, so you knew you had it a few minutes ago but now it's no where to be found
Let’s examine: At first, without thinking, we as human usually start to panic that we can’t find our phone, where is my phone!? so we start to dig up the place but still can't find it, but moments after, you start to calm yourself reasoning with yourself thinking "even though I can’t find it, I know I will because it’s definitely in the house" you understand that you didn’t go anywhere that day and only have been in the house, so you begin to feel more calm that your phone will be found because it is somewhere in the house. You begin to access peace of mind and not panic even though you haven't found it yet, because what!? YOU KNOW IT IS DEFINITELY IN THE HOUSE. LOOK CLOSER BELOVED,
That is how our Faith and Trust in God should look like. ASSURANCE. You may not feel Him all the time, but ASSURE YOURSELF WITH THE UNDERSTANDING, He is always there. You may not know when He will come onetime but you know HE WILL SHOW UP.