September 14, 2018


Let us learn. Many believers misinterpret scriptures by not observing simple words such as: LIKE and AS. A single word can change the meaning of a sentence. AS means (in the role of) VS LIKE means (similar to)

The bible did not say the devil, like a roaring lion. (similar to) 
The bible said the devil, as a roaring lion. (the role of)
The bible did not say become like little children.
The bible said become as little children.

The bible did not say he shall be as a tree planted. (role of)
The bible said, he shall be like a tree planted. (similar to)
The bible did not say therefore have I set my face as a flint
The bible said therefore have I set my face like a flint

references: matt18:3, 1peter5:8, psalm1:3, jer17:8, ps55:6, 55:6, isaiah50:7
AUTHORIZATION by most trusted, Kings James Version.

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