Let us learn. Many believers misinterpret scriptures by not observing simple words such as: LIKE and AS. A single word can change the meaning of a sentence. AS means (in the role of) VS LIKE means (similar to)
The bible did not say the devil, like a roaring lion. (similar to)
The bible said the devil, as a roaring lion. (the role of)
The bible did not say become like little children.
The bible said become as little children.
The bible did not say become like little children.
The bible said become as little children.
The bible did not say he shall be as a tree planted. (role of)
The bible said, he shall be like a tree planted. (similar to)
The bible did not say therefore have I set my face as a flint
The bible said therefore have I set my face like a flint
references: matt18:3, 1peter5:8, psalm1:3, jer17:8, ps55:6, 55:6, isaiah50:7
AUTHORIZATION by most trusted, Kings James Version.
AUTHORIZATION by most trusted, Kings James Version.