July 20, 2018


1……sees a post online that someone committed suicide: ***RESPONSE: it first strikes the mind, because of the way of death, that person's soul definitely gone to hell, would not dare type RIP.

2......sees a post online that someone they DID know passed away, and they knew in their heart that the person was not saved, but in emotions only and not conscience, quickly types RIP because see's other relatives pouring out RIP speeches, ***RESPONSE: Types RIP Rest in Peace.

3.......sees a post online that someone they DON'T know, passed away, and does not know if they were saved or not, see's everyone else typing RIP. ***RESPONSE:  follows and becomes hasty in his words speak and types RIP like the rest (vs) at that moment we forget that we should be slow to speak, being therefore careful, diligent and wise children.

However the good thing about 2 & 3: is that they go ahead and send condolences to the bereaving family. However Jesus still rebukes and corrects. THIS IS HOW THE LORD IS. 100% or none.

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