April 2, 2024

God is not Intimidated


Let us not forget that God is not intimidated by laws, government, or mere men. Many times, we allow offense to fester because of what is being said about us and what is happening around us as christians.  

While I pray we should not be offended or intimidated by attacks on Christendom through laws or policies, I encourage us to only put our trust, confidence and hope in our Saviour Jesuslet us always remember that THIS WORLD IS NOT OUR HOME & Jesus told us these things should happen.

If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

November 6, 2023

This is Harvest

 This is Harvest. Alleluia!

When 2000+ souls are filled with the Holyspirit with evidence of speaking on tongues as on the day of Pentecost.

We are not looking at mere revival, we are looking at an harvest. I will say it again for those in the back, this is harvest, not revival. And tho personal revivals might be taking place in some hearts, generally speaking, I believe sometimes, when we see a great move of God, if not careful, we can get caught up in throwing around traditional churchy sound-good-words/understandings that we actually miss what God is doing and so sometimes what we call revival is actually harvest - just sometimes. Let’s never be ignorant of the fact of true revival, in-fact, revival is reviving what was once life, and harvesting is gathering what is ready to be received. And of a truth, revival is absolutely beautiful, but so is harvest. The Lord is faithful. We Thank God for harvests and revivals. Thank God for souls. Thank God for salvation.

August 5, 2023


We are living in a time of great deception. Just look around. It’s the culture of the day. But God can help us. He will cover us with His feathers & preserve us if we let Him. We are not afraid because there is hope in Him.

July 31, 2023

Rest in Him

To be living in the peace of God does not mean storms won’t be present, but we have a confidence that even when storms rage, we will be equipped to rest or find rest, even when we cannot control the circumstances around us. Our God is faithful.

July 12, 2023

Peace Of God

 Having the peace of God is the best thing you can do for your self, life, home and mental health. God wants us to have peace, His Peace and not to be restless and cornered by constant worries.

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